TODO - make nice login page - implement toXml for Rooms and Sprites - user accounts so that people can - save rooms, sprites, generators to the server - correctly handle rooms larger than the view area - teleporters - maybe monsters and treasures and stuff? - hide ability to start the game by teleporting into any room, as this allows people to jump right into other people's stuff. - need some sort of game engine abstraction maybe? User-submittable things - New Tilepals - New RoomGenerator / TerrainGenerator classes - more flexible function model - caves? 2005-10-21c - added alternative cookie-based authentication for logins - added disown room command (U) - added doc/userguide.html and link in main menu - added some new heads - added some new worlds (def2, infworld5) 2005-10-21b - removed those useless .xcf files - issue a warning when response from saving a room or sprite uses unsupported transfer encoding instead of letting exception go. - Hosting problems. I didn't relize this would be so tricky. Ack! - uses a crappy version of PHP (4.2.2) that seems to offer no way to handle PUT requests. It also gives me chunked transfer encoding all the time which sucks. - sourceforge mounts everything as read-only for the web server - my DSL is too slow for me to host it myself 2005-10-21 - Completely reworked the PHP UI pages - you can now create user accounts, mofidy accounts, and log in and run around with the settings you set. - Added some nice vegetation tiles. - You can use control to pick blocks, not only alt (for consistency with GIMP, mainly) - Tiles with the foreground flag are placed in layer 1, if there is one, when placed by the user clicking. - Added the dig command so players can tunnel through mountains and across oceans easily. 2005-10-20 - Added roomReplaced event to RoomEventListener - a more general event than CacheEventListener#roomReloaded - Cleaned up the user interface a bit, especially regarding the way tiles are selected, which has been much intuitivized. - added useless prototype 'D5.2 Keys' window (opens when user hits F1) 2005-10-19 - Rejigged a lot of things in D5Applet - Added tilepal display and ability to choose and place tiles - messy code, fix later. - Reworked the way D5Applet is notified of room changes - more things are event-based - still a but messy, needs more reworking, performance decreasing 2005-10-18 - Streamlined the process of saving worlds, as - xml made by customroomgen.php now includes worlddesigner-params and - worlddesigner.php reads the roomgens dir for presets - fixed a bug in Room#fromXml (tile ids were always read as hex) - fixed teb.js to allow non-empty teb elements (image is now inserted as first child element) - rejigged Sprite#wantMoveDir business. At least it is more flexible, now. - blockall now means (according to Cell#getBlocking) no entry/exit from *any* (including diagonal) angle. - user-id, title, doc are now generic 'properties' of rooms. - fixed a fencepost error in Cell#getNeighbor 2005-10-14 - Room#toXml implemented - can upload rooms to the server, which does not yet do any authorization checking - added HttpClient class, which seems to work decently - no way to actually change rooms from D5Applet 2005-10-12 - Moved xml parsing into respective classes, out of ResourceCache - RoomGenerator changed to BasicRoomGenerator - RoomGenerator is now an interface - Different RoomGenerator classes may be specified 2005-10-07 - TerrainGenerator selection more modular - TerrainGenerators can be added simply by adding *TerrainGenerator.php to the phplib/d5_2/gen directory, and by adding a *TerrainGenerator.class to classes/d5_2/gen. - Positions are always specified by pos="x,y" rather than x="x" y="y" in serialized parameters. - Re-jigged the PHP side of things a lot including - relatively user-friendly 'start new game' page (playersetup.php) - separating more functionality into phplib/* - xml for generators is now gotten by requesting from data/roomgens/customroomgen?sameparamsasforworlddesigner 2005-10-06 - Fixed bug in tilepals/outdoor1.xml where cliff tiles were not blocking (an old version had snuck in there somehow) - Pushed around complexity relating to ResourceCache and the clearing thereof, e.g. Sprite#fixRoomRef( rc ) - Removed RhinoTerrainGenerator for its uselessness. - Diddled the PHP a lot. worlddesigner.php now makes more sense, I think. 2005-10-05 - Added scale parameter to NoiseApplet - Changed 'zoom' to 'scale' in RoomGenerator - RoomGenerators now use a NumberGradient to map terrain type samples to tile ids (this is the second column of , the first column being colors used for the ImageGenerator - Added coordinate indicator and click-zoom to NoiseApplet