date: 2008-02-02 (Saturday)
subject: Cold
lj-entry-id: 819,89

Cold - 2008-02-02 (Saturday) - Entry 1011 - TOGoS's Journal

I seem to have gotten a cold again. The feelings and smells when I blow my nose remind me of winter 2006 when I was bored at Widen and ate a lot of chocolate and got excited about software components.

I had a dream that I was trying to show my roommates Air Fortress, except it was more like a boring and frustrating version of Metroid. They asked me 'What's so great about this game?', and I told them that it used to be much cooler, and I tried to think if it was only the first level of the game that was like that or something.

I had another dream that I was hanging out with a bunch of people on a grassy hill. There was a video from behind me and I was holding hands with somebody. Who is that, I wondered, and then the camera turned to show his face and it was Travis Lannoye. We walked to the top of the hill. I was talking to our guide about what kind of camera I should get. Tricia was there wearing her 'Spotted Owl' camera, which was a camera that you would wear over one eye. I was trying it out, and stepped into a pothole, and gave it back. A-Day was there, and it seemed like he and Tricia were 'together'. He was making fun of her for having to wear the spotted owl camera all the time, even while driving. He had a big peacock tail. I said "Oh, A-Day's butt is so pretty!", and ran my hands through his feathers, which were long strips of paper with colored dots stuck on.

Tree + curly thing