date: 2001-07-16
content-type: text/html
lj-entry-id: 172,30
description: dreams: Dogs+Cats FRUA, trip to the other side of the galaxy, football players as Shriek characters at Great America

dreams: Dogs+Cats FRUA, trip to the other side of the galaxy, football players as Shriek characters at Great America - 2001-07-16 - Entry 104 - TOGoS's Journal

Had a few dreams last night (this morning/noon):

I was with some paople (my family, I guess), and a really big, black, talking bird, I think. We were going to some star on the other side of the Galaxy because we had to save the world or something. I remember we were in something like a big green, torch-lit cave, and the big bird was talking to the king and queen there. I don't remember what about. Since we had been going at near light speed, everyone back on earth had gotten a lot older than we had (of course, had we gone to the other side of the galaxy, they should have all died millions of years ago by the time we got back. Whatever.) Anyway, I don't know if it was before or after we got back to earth, Michelle had had a kid who looked just like her and was now about 18 or something. She kept accidentally getting in my way and apologizing. There was some sort of neat building that I liked, but I don't know if it was at that other planet or back on earth. I also remember talking to someone about some screenshots that looked like they were from FRUA or something. We were talking about how bad the grafix were. We were watching some guy playing some level and saw a big pit. We couldn't figure out how to make a big pit in our levels. You had to place Snicker's wrappers around the edge, but we didn't have access to Snicker's wrappers, so we figured it was something special that could only be in the levels that came with the game.

Then I was in this place where all the dogs and cats were fighting. There was this big long building, or at least a series of buildings in a line. There were dog police officers who were always afraid they would get shot, and there was a street that wasn't parallel to the row of buildings. I got down to one end of the row. and someone was paying me to make Doom levels, but I couln't find a good editor, so I ordered some really crappy one, and ended up using Emacs.

I had another dream in which we got off the beltline down south somewhere, and were at this amusement park type thing. It was Great America, except it was more like disney world. People were building some really nifty buildings and they were talking about how they were so proud of their work and blah blah blah and this was all part of [guy in charge of the park]'s genious. They were building this really neat bridge which we went under (it had two stories and some towers or something). Another thing they were working on was this slope which had been Bulldozed, so was all dirt, and there was some big machinery hanging around on it:

    /  \__
   /   /  \__
  /   /      \__
 /   /          \__
/   /
|   |_
|   . \ top of hill
|   .  \      Forest
|   |\   \
|   | | buldozed slope
|   |  \   \___  
|   |   \_     \        Forest
 \   \    \__   \_
  \   \ trees\_   \  bottom of hill
   \   \_______\ . .\
main walkway
  | neato bridge|
      /       _____       Football field ->
 ____/       /
            /          Locker room
___________/                |

Then there was something about a bunch of football players (who were proud), dressing up in cake frosting like Shriek characters. They turned into wind-up toys, and we took them out to the Football field to see who could go the farthest. The really big, heavy green football player one managed to get off the Football field, cross the walkway, and get to the top of the dirty slope, where he talked to his donkey friend about freedom and looked at the beltline.