date: 2008-07-22
subject: Flooding and Wendy's Points
lj-entry-id: 849,58

Flooding and Wendy's Points - 2008-07-22 - Entry 1042 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreampt that I was going for a bike ride with Yoru. It started to rain so we stopped under what turned out to be a castle in the middle of a park.

Later I had walked or biked to some remote cave with YC. While we were out it rained a lot and on the way back we found that one cave we had to pass through had flooded and was now full of quicksand. There was a guy in there with special shoes who was running around on top of it.

Lake Mendota was so high that a shack that was usually sitting dry in the middle of James Madison park was now underwater except for a square of roof sticking out the top.

For some reason I had a stack of Wendy's Points that were worth a few cents each. I gave them to YC to buy some ice cream, and the cashier behind the counter said that we weren't allowed to trade points. I told her that these were YC's Wendy'S Points all along, and that I was just carrying them in my wallet because that's where they would fit. She didn't seem to believe me but let us buy YC ice cream with them anyway.