date: 2008-09-06 (10:23)
subject: Annual Job Acquisition
lj-entry-id: 854,169

Annual Job Acquisition - 2008-09-06 (10:23) - Entry 1047 - TOGoS's Journal

Also, an exciting week for web developers. And I'm not one to go around using the term 'exciting' on every new webapp or framework that comes out. I'm also not one to fill my blog with unrelated pictures of cupcakes, have a stupid picture of my nerdy head in the corner, or ever mention the word "blogosphere" (oops). Thanks for noticing, both of you.

YC and I went camping on Sunday night. We biked to and stayed at Lake Farm park, which is just south of the sewage treatment plant. We ate veggie brats and marshmallows. We only brought one sleeping bag, and YC got it, so she spent the whole night being hot and I spent most of it being cold.

I had a dream that I was interviewing at Cuna for some developer position. I was sitting around at a table near the entrance to a wide circular hallway (in the middle was a cube farm) talking to the guy that would become my manager. I heard what sounded like an owl, and tried to figure out what it was. Finally I realized that it was my chair squeaking.

Then I woke up and realized that it really was an owl I was hearing, and I was cold.

Later that day I went to Dan Meyers' funeral. I tried to come up with a good story to write about him but the only ones I could think of were either not very interesting or involved a little kid drowning in a drainage ditch or Dan telling me that having a girlfriend isn't all that great. None of those things seemed appropriate.

Then I went with Julia and a friend of hers that seemed almost familiar to me to go flower the crash site. Julia kept talking about how her anthropology classes made her want to get an autopsy report.

I went to Kaplan with Woody on Tuesday and Wednesday, then worked a lot on Thursday and Friday. On Friday we got our DSL hooked up with an old Actiontec modem that Atticus brought from his parents' house.

Last night I dreampt that we had to move out of Fordem Towers into some 2-story apartment building near Allied Drive. I didn't want to move out of the towers because I liked it there. But the new place was near the country, and that was sort of nice.

Chrome and AppJet are a couple of softwares that I happened across while at the hotel in Onalaska. I don't usually get excited about software, but these things made me happy. Neither of them is a revolutionary concept. They are both things that have been done before, but this time they have been done much better, so that other people can use them to make revolutionary new things. Or just to make little apps that make life easier. But in any case they seem to work well. I like that.