date: 2009-03-26 (Thursday) 11:00
subject: Schweser Week 2
lj-entry-id: 885,223

Schweser Week 2 - 2009-03-26 (Thursday) 11:00 - Entry 1084 - TOGoS's Journal

For 'comfort reasons' (obviously not my comfort) I'm stuck at Schweser for the rest of the week. All EarthITers came up on Tuesday, Pitt and Dmitri went home last night, I was planning to go home last night, but last night Matt Summers told me to stay. He doesn't pay the EarthIT bill, but he probably has some say over it, so as lame as it is to be here, here I will be until Friday evening.

Since there's nothing I really want to do when I'm not in the office (too chilly at night to go for a walk, can't work on Junko without a Windows machine, working on ContentCouch is a pain on this laptop), I've been going to sleep at about 21:00 and getting up at 5:30 and hanging out in the lobby for a few hours to have a long breakfast.

I had a lot of dreams last night. A lot of them were about Pitt. YC showed up in a few of them, too. One was about these weird looking guys in California with really pale skin that were having a convention.

I woke up at 3:30 this morning, but breakfast isn't put out until around 5:40 and, as in the evening, there wasn't much else for me to do, so I kept dozing until the alarm went off.