subject: Plane ride miss
tags: frustration-dreams, tw-flight-missing-dreams, tw-flight-dreams, multi-layer-dreams, dreams-about-having-a-flight-to-catch
date: 2009-04-15 (Wednesday) 15:30
lj-entry-id: 888,46

Plane ride miss - 2009-04-15 (Wednesday) 15:30 - Entry 1088 - TOGoS's Journal

Today feels like Thursday to me. Maybe because the office is quiet. And also because I've been working really late for most of the past week. I'm trying to build up hours to compensate for the time I'll be gone, but also there's just a lot of stuff that needs to be done around here.

In about a week and a half I have to get on a plane to go to Taiwan. I need to start preparing for that. I'll start by making a list of things I need to prepare.

This morning I was dreaming that my flight left in only a few hours. I was really stressing out about it, because I hadn't even started packing yet. And I was confused, too, because I thought I remembered it being another week away, but the date on my ticket said tomorrow.

I woke up long enough to figure out that it had been a dream and the ticket with the wrong date on it had no basis in reality. Then I fell back to sleep and dreamt about walking to class at a university where I was studying dirt.

Then I was waking up in my parents' kitchen. YC was there, already awake. I looked at my watch and realized that my flight had left at 6:30 and it was already 8:00. I asked YC why she hadn't woken me up, and she started talking about how she didn't think I was ready. I was kind of mad because of her dumb reasoning, but realized that I wouldn't have been ready to go even if she had woken me up at midnight. Again I looked at my ticket and wondered about the date. I woke up again and the kitchen window became the window in my bedroom.