date: 2009-05-15 8:30
subject: Peanut butter chocolate marshmallow balls, flown directly to your squareislandmountaintop yard by hang glider
lj-entry-id: 894,126

Peanut butter chocolate marshmallow balls, flown directly to your squareislandmountaintop yard by hang glider - 2009-05-15 8:30 - Entry 1093 - TOGoS's Journal

YC and I went to bed yesterday evening at about 18:00, but woke up at 22:00, and I haven't been able to sleep since then. I had kind of an interesting dream:

I was finally completing Secret of Evermore after having abandoned it for about 2 years. But in the dream it was much different. I had come through a cave and had a hang glider. I found that in the forest area that I had come into after finally finding my way out of the cave, I could jump up into the air and use the hanglider and fly back into the cave. I hadn't decided if that was actually useful or not, but then I was usng the hang-glider for all sorts of other things. There was this large, tall, squarish island. Sort of like a SC2000 Arcology. I had made a bunch of chocolate marshmallow globs (made by making a ball of chocolate marshmallows aroudn a glob of peanut butter and then melting and re-condensing the outside of the ball so it held together) and used my hang glider to deliver them to my dad.

There was another part of this dream where I was driving in Madison with YC and she had to get out at a mall to use the bathroom or ask for directions or meet a friend or do some shopping. I was looking at a map of where we were (which wasn't a real place in Madison). I might have actually been drawing the map, too.