date: 2009-06-08 (19:00)
subject: Off-limits slides
lj-entry-id: 897,8

Off-limits slides - 2009-06-08 (19:00) - Entry 1096 - TOGoS's Journal

The night before last I dreamt that I was at a waterpark with a deep rectangular pit down the middle. The pit was fenced off and had 2 rounded concrete gutters along the bottom, which sloped down from maybe 20 feet below ground level at one end to much deeper at the other. It was too deep to jump over the fence, but one of the water slides exited in a room at the bottom, and I climbed up along the gutter until I found its beginning and slid down. The gutters were full of running water just like the water slides in the park, but had somewhat jagged seams between sections that I had to watch out for.

In a later dream I was moving into a house on a lot right next to Jon. He was building a house from scratch on his out of large beams of wood that he had cut from a tree himself. They were held together without any nails, and it didn't seem like he had even really measured the wood beforehand, because it was all a little bit crooked. We were talking about building a tunnel between our houses because that would be cool.

I was driving away with YC and some other people in YC's truck. I had a genetically engineered ladybug that was all huge and bell-shaped hanging by a piece of spiderweb that I was trying to get rid of out the window. The web was really tough and stung my fingers. We eventually came to a building that we walked through with a big crowd, like maybe a subway station. As we turned to go up an escalator I made a blue face with a long tongue and turned around and tried to scare YC, but she wasn't scared of my goofy face.