tags: berlin-dreams, subway-dreams, s-bahn-dreams, tw-flight-dreams,
date: 2009-06-10 (Wednesday) 10:15
subject: Jet-lag
lj-entry-id: 899,204

Jet-lag - 2009-06-10 (Wednesday) 10:15 - Entry 1099 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt that YC and I were coming back from Taiwan. The airport in Japan was more complicated and stressful than in real life. YC and I got separated for a while when I had boarded an inter-terminal train and she realized she had left some luggage behind. There was a room there with a bunch of elevators. One elevator only went to one floor, so was totally pointless. But you could walk through it because it had a door on either end. When we got back to Wisconsin I had some really serious jet-lag problems.

The night before I dreampt that YC and I were travelling into and around Germany by train. We got off at some elevated station and had to walk down and down and down some strangely laid-out stairway. We came out at the bottom onto a paved area with a cliff down into the ocean in front of us, mountains behind, and large wooden skeletons of cones to the sides. I recognised the place as Berlin, though in the back of my mind I was having a hard time reconciling this version of Berlin with other memories of it.