subject: Rail polishing quest
tags: railroad-dreams, train-dreams, lacrosse, schweser, dead-mj
date: 2009-06-26 (Friday) 9:16
lj-entry-id: 902,124

Rail polishing quest - 2009-06-26 (Friday) 9:16 - Entry 1102 - TOGoS's Journal

I am in La Crosse again yesterday and today. This morning, after my alarm woke me up and I turned it off, I dreamt about a railroad that I was walking along with YC. It was old and hadn't been used for a while, and there was a train coming. It had to go really slow though, because of the condition of the rails. So as YC and I walked we polished them so that the train could keep moving. The engineer seemed to appreciate this.

As we walked along we came to places where we would walk on a path separate from the actual tracks. There were tunnels and a small jumping-into pond full of people that we had to climb upwards through. Farther up were more tracks that we hadn't yet polished, and we were going to work on them some more. But my tools were wearing out and I needed to go back to replace them, so we walked along the tracks through a tunnel. And then we were riding on a train going back the way we had just come from, and there was another train coming the other way. Fortunately both were going slow enough that they were able to stop in the middle, where the engines coupled together to make one long train. It was strange, though, because the engines were in the middle.