date: 2009-10-01 (Thursday) 21:00
subject: October Oneth: Cold and rainy
tags: flying-machine-dreams, blimp-dreams
lj-entry-id: 911,144
current-project: Making unit tests for this Comet thing, then Junko

October Oneth: Cold and rainy - 2009-10-01 (Thursday) 21:00 - Entry 1111 - TOGoS's Journal

I had some dreams lately:

This one from 2 nights ago that I forgot to write down, then: I was hanging out near the Union on Lake Mendota, except it was by James Madison park. There was this blimp going overhead, but then it stopped right over us and turned around, and I knew it was terr'ists, so I turned around to run away, but it then crashed into where I was headed instead of where I was running away from. The top opened up and we all climbed up ladders to get over the sides and there was a party inside.

Last night I dreamt that I was flying around in a custom plane in a flight simulator. I was trying to make a plane that was just barely powerful enough to fly. I was trying to fly all high up but that wasn't working very well and I kept finding that I was still flying really close to the ground. I passed the coliseum and the beltline a few times. After I landed I was going to go talk to this old guy I knew who was going to teach me to fly a real plane.

It rained today as we biked home from work. We stopped for a bit at Monona Terrace and played the 0,5,10,15,20 game while it was raining really hard. We came home and ate soup noodle and old pizza and grapes and cookies.