tags: trips, dreams, pictures, hastily-written-entries
subject: When servers fall off the Internet
date: 2009-10-30 12:00
lj-entry-id: 914,197

When servers fall off the Internet - 2009-10-30 12:00 - Entry 1114 - TOGoS's Journal

Last week YC and I drove to California and then I flew home on a plane. I have lots of pictures. No linky because they're not all organized, yet.

This week I went to work a lot. I got my ccouch-based photo looking-at system working, which is relatively exciting. I haven't quite got around to putting in the bathroom fan, yet. Supposedly this Jason guy is going to sell me a fan on the cheap. I have a lot of things I need to do around the house.

A lot of tree leaves are a real pretty shade of yellow these days. The bike path has stripes of different colored leaves across it, which looks cool.

I had a dream that we were switching to using railroads all over the US. Someone mentioned to me that with all the additional railroad traffic, it was going to be harder to cross railroad tracks. I said the solution was to build more bridges.

For halloween I'm being an early 20th century railroad conductor who is missing his pocket watch.

I just found my checkbook buried at the bottom of my backpack. This is exciting because now I can write a check to MG&E.