tags: anger-dreams
subject: Ski Police
date: 2009-12-02 (Wednesday) 19:20
lj-entry-id: 918,82

Ski Police - 2009-12-02 (Wednesday) 19:20 - Entry 1120 - TOGoS's Journal

This morning in the 3 hours betwen getting home from work and getting up to go to work again, I had a dream about a ski trail. I was planning to slide along the grooves on my elbows, but Kithy was the ski police and would not allow that. So I ended up back at the head of the trail, and I was talking to Bill Gates. Somehow we got on the subject of automatically starting programs, and I started ranting about how "it used to be, when you wanted a program to start up automatically, you put it in the startup folder. It was simple, and easy." I got so angry as I said this that I hurled an electric typewriter into a picture on the wall.

We're interviewing 3 more people in the next couple of days. One of them might be OK.