subject: Locked tree cat
date: 2009-12-11 (Friday) 21:45
lj-entry-id: 920,1

Locked tree cat - 2009-12-11 (Friday) 21:45 - Entry 1122 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt last night that there was a stop sign in the middle of Gilbert (right by the tennis court) where in real life there is only a regular crosswalk. As the dream went on, the sign became a small island, and a larger one, and eventually there was a tree on it. Back at home I was looking through Christmas presents people had given me (in the dream Christmas had already passed, even though real life Christmas is half a month in the future). One of my presents was a puzzle box from my mom. Inside I found a key that I hadn't noticed before. Aha! I bet this key unlocks the tree, I thought, because the tree had a small locked door in the trunk.

I went back to the road island with the tree, and sure enough, the key opened the door. A cat sprang out and tried to bite my nose, but I caught him by the arms and held him down to the ground so he couldn't. While I was doing this he told me, telepathically, that all life forms have a good side and an evil side, and that I couldn't count on everyone being nice to me all the time, not even my closest friends.

I also had a dream that Jen was going on a tirade about what a jerk Scott was. At first I thought she meant Scott Rouse, but it turned out she was talking about a different Scott that I didn't know.