tags: dreams, ant-dreams, slashdot-dreams
subject: Putting paper in boxes
date: 2010-04-29 (Thursday) 9:04
lj-entry-id: 945,81

Putting paper in boxes - 2010-04-29 (Thursday) 9:04 - Entry 1146 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I took the ants in my kitchen and put them in an aquarium with a lot of (very pretty) rocks and sand to make an ant farm. I was yelling at Yoru because she kept stepping on the ants. I had some big green ones.

It was my birthday, and I wasn't doing anything to celebrate. At first I thought I was turning 23, then I realized that I already did that a few years ago and now I was turning 27, and felt old. Nick brought out some ice cream for me that was left over from his birthday.

I was reading slashdot comments about running shoes. Every single guy who had had to buy new shoes to run some long race had signed up for it because of some girl. Corey was sitting there with me, and was about to go off to some client (maybe Schweser). Jen was rolling around the office on inline skates.

Avatar had started out as a TV show, like Firefly/Serenity.