subject: Sewer shortcut, phone break
date: 2010-06-28 (Monday) 12:30
lj-entry-id: 948,163

Sewer shortcut, phone break - 2010-06-28 (Monday) 12:30 - Entry 1151 - TOGoS's Journal

Dream: Pitt and I were doing something in Madison as if we were in La Crosse working for Schweser. We kept having to walk downtown but then for some reason in the train station we'd get in the sewer and walk back to the west side (the route through the sewer was for some reason much faster than that along the bike path), and then we'd start walking downtown on the bike path again. One time I took the sewer east, and that took me into a bad part of town where some gangsters tried to rob me, but I escaped back into the sewer.

Later we were walking along the sidewalk and I dropped my phone and it broke into like 5 pieces.

Real life: Had to go to LX for 2 days after coming back from NY. Fizz showed up that Saturday, and YC and I went to Noah's Ark on Sunday. I got out of work early every day last week. Wednesday we went strawberry picking. Thursday we went camping at Governor Dodge and took Friday off. We sold YC's car and made cheesecake out of the strawberries. Saturday we ate some cheesecake, YC worked on packing, and the Nelsons took us out to dinner at Pedro's. Sunday we worked on packing more and ate spaghetti at my folks' house and brought them cheesecake for dessert and the Pamplins (minus Hannah and Jason) showed up. YC and I went home and slept.

This morning we got up at 3:00 and took a Union Cab to the airport. We had to shuffle YC's packing around a bit to keep 2 out of 3 of her checked bags under 50 pounds. I managed to catch a bus that took me downtown and on which Atticus ran into me. I am now planning to make Fizz help me write TOGBrush3. It will be in Scala, which I need to brush up on, too.