subject: Florida Mountains
tags: mountain-dreams, florida-dreams, katie-k-dreams, weekends
ate: 2010-08-01 18:10
lj-entry-id: 957,13

Florida Mountains - Entry 1161 - TOGoS's Journal

2 nights ago I stayed up pretty late into the morning drinking tea and listening to and working on Crumpl and petting the cat. Fizz had gone to some Mallards game and stuff and got back shortly after I went to bed sometime around 3:30 AM. It rained a little bit during that time.


I lived in a place with mountains. My backyard extended south from my house (this is the only way that it resembled my real backyard), but was very open to the neighbor's yards. There was a fence with a gate through part of my yard near the back, but the area behind it was also my yard. At least I thought it was. There were neighbors (some college girls) that wandered through there sometimes to pick apples and I eventually decided that part of what I thought was my yard was actually theirs, extending from their house to the southeast to behind my western neighbors's yard, where the fruit trees were. I think I was talking to them and they let me pick some of their fruit.

South of their yard the ground sloped down, as if we were on top of a hill, and there were mountains in the distance.

I was visiting Florida. It was so tripical and nice. There were some paths that led up the side of a mountain. Obviously that wasn't Florida, anymore.

It was a long way to the top of the mountain. There was some shortcut to getting up there, like an elevator or a bus. I was with the tour group (or some subgroup) from our 8th grade Washington D.C. trip. Southwest from the west end of the ridge we were on there was an area full of rocky vertical tubes and beyond that, a large canyon. There was a short name for that area, "The Spikes" or something similar.

I was walking down Reetz Road towards my house. It didn't feel real. It felt like I was watching a video of myself. It was kind of upsetting.

Last night Fizz and I tried to work on Crumpl all night but we got tired. Then I spent 4 hours lying in bed not sleeping because I had drank too much coffee.

Today we went and watched Inception. I made Atticus pick up Loren.