date: 2010-09-18 (Saturday) 18:15
tags: thunderstorms, geo-dreams, train-dreams, multi-layer-dreams
lj-entry-id: 967,217

2010-09-18 (Saturday) 18:15 - Entry 1171 - TOGoS's Journal

I finally got the registration sticker for my Geo on Friday. It's been 3 weeks since I sent in the forms for it. In that time Sarah and Hannah came to visit, Yoru got herself lost, Yoru came home, and Sarah and Hannah left. I made some really nice improbments to ccouch. I mowed the lawn. This past week I a new chain on my bike. Probably a few other things happened, too.

Around midnight it started raining and lightninging and thundering pretty hard. It woke me up a little bit and I think startled Yoru. Then I went back to sleep and had some dreams.

I had gotten the Geo fixed and was driving down the beltline. The car was so light and I was going so fast that it flew through the air for a while every time I went over a hill. I got out of the car so I could watch from the side and see how high it was really going. But while I was doing that a truck that had been ahead of me stopped and the car crashed into another truck that had stopped behind it and the 3 vehicles all became attached. I ran back to the car and turned it off so it would stop crashing. Then I started thinking about all the problems this was going to cause me, and was wondering if my insurance would help. Some friend was asking me if I had liability coverage and I wasn't even sure. I thought wouldn't it be nice if this turned out to be a dream that I could just wake up from, but I decided it wasn't a dream. Not because I did any tests or thought about it very hard, but just because it felt like real life. This worrying went on for a while.

I was hanging out in what seemed to be a bedroom in an apartment, maybe mine. It was night. Fizz and some other people were there and I was telling them about my annoying car crash dream.

We were walking along the bike path and about to cross Midvale. There were railroad tracks along the road and a train was about to show up. Someone flagged it and it stopped and we got on. Inside there was a cafeteria serving breakfast food.

I went to the corn maze today.