tags: multi-layer-dreams, lucid-dreams, train-dreams
date: 2010-10-05 (Teusday) 12:11
lj-entry-id: 971,211

2010-10-05 (Teusday) 12:11 - Entry 1175 - TOGoS's Journal

Slept at the folks' house last night while they were camping with Aunt Lois. I had a dream that there was this girl I used to talk to while shw was waiting for the bus who told me about a guy in one of her classes who had all sorts of 'radical ideas', some of them about trains. I was back living in the green bedroom at my parents' house and one day found myself having radical ideas like that guy had had. And I was really interested in the stuff about trains he had been talking about. But I didn't know his name, or that of the girl I used to talk to. I started asking around.

I found myself waking up in a deeper dream, and I pretty quickly realized that I was dreaming, now, remembering that I had gone to sleep in a different place (maybe in the green bedroom) than I woke up (a bed in some hallway that would normally be totally unfamiliar, but in this dream I knew my way around. There was a mirror nearby and I knew I'd see myself older when I looked in it, but I didn't know how much. I decided I didn't want to look a lot older, and when I got to the mirror I saw myself looking like someone who might work at the auto shop, maybe mid-30s. Mid-30s not too bad, I thought. I went across the room to another mirror and then I looked like myself, again. But that's even better, I thought.

I was walking home from church and asking my mom about this guy, and she said that she thought I might be talking about Joyce Myer's kid. Unfortunately this guy had been in some kind of accident and messed up his face. I didn't know if he was still being all radical and cool, though. I saw him in his house through the window and thought he didn't look too bad.

I was standing by railroad tracks on a wooded hillside. The tracks looped around behind me, down the hill and I could hear a train coming up from behind-right, which presumably would come up the hill on my left and then pass by going back to my right before going over a bridge. I guess I was waiting for it to pass so I could walk along the tracks. I'm not sure if this was the secret train that I had heard about.

At the end of the dream I was wondering what was it that I wanted to find out about that guy. Did I want to find the secret railroad, or find out about his other radical ideas? Or was I just interested in that girl that had told me about him, now that I had found the guy?