subject: omntland2
date: 2010-10-30 18:37
tags: florida-dreams, highway-dreams, schweser-dreams, sunglasses-dreams
lj-entry-id: 974,21

omntland2 - 2010-10-30 18:37 - Entry 1178 - TOGoS's Journal

I had some dreams this morning that I thought were kind of interesting.

In one dream I had somehow obtained a yacht. Since the end of the world was coming I was inviting all my friends to come spend it on the boat with me. It seemed to be parked in a square pool surrounded by trees separated from the ocean by a few blocks of sand. I might've been planning to drive it to Chicago, but I might be confusing with another dream.

YC and I were driving along a highway in Florida. We had to stop occasionally so I could talk on the phone with Schweser people. Stephen Mayer was riding on a rocket way up in the sky that was passing overhead. I don't remember what the purpose of that project was. Someone was asking for changes and we had to call Stephen and ask him to move some jumper pins, which I imagined would be difficult because he was wearing a bulky space suit. I was trying on some sunglasses I bought from a convenience store we had stopped at. The buying of them had itself been a bit of an ordeal because I didn't check out right and ended up not paying. I didn't want to be stealing stuff so I had to go back after I realized that to pay (this almost happened to me at the gas station the other day because the pump didn't give me any kind of confirmation that it had charged my credit card). Anyway, the sunglasses were too small and too yellow to actually make driving any easier. We got to Schweser and they had hired some new manager, and he wanted to cancel the project involving the rocket because it weren't using 32x32 pixel raster graphic tiles, which he said something like were necessary for 'the RPG feel'. What an idiot, I thought. And then I tried on Kelly's sunglasses, which were also yellow but bigger than the ones I had bought.