tags: minecraft-dreams, airport-dreams
subject: I frickin' love password-protected SSH keys!
date: 2011-01-12 22:00
lj-entry-id: 985,104

I frickin' love password-protected SSH keys! - 2011-01-12 22:00 - Entry 1190 - TOGoS's Journal

Also, these older Rotersand albums are a'ight.

A few nights ago I dreamt about Minecraft. In the dream I don't think I was distinguishing between Minecraft and real life, but everything was 1m cubes. At one point I was trying to build a bridge out of stone diagonally across a canyon. At another point I found a tunnel into a mountain that somehow I knew JChip had built. Inside there were all these chains and gears and things, like a lumbermill or something. I needed to stick a torch to the wall in order to see it. The world was a scary place at night, due to all the monsters. Just like Minecraft.

I also had an airport dream. I think I was walking around outside the airport (i.e., where the planes get parked to load/unload passengers) for part of it. I think the airport was in Japan. I'm not remembering any other details except that it had a similar feel to most of my other airport dreams.

"Illegal Audio-MPEG-Header 0x4c595249" ← this is here so you can google for it. It happens on the end of a lot of MP3 files that otherwise seem free of errors so I think it's okay.