tags: mountain-dreams, video-game-dreams
subject: Altitude interpolation, LotW hax
date: 2011-03-08 13:30
lj-entry-id: 990,10

Altitude interpolation, LotW hax - 2011-03-08 13:30 - Entry 1197 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that I was with some people driving into some kind of state park on a mountain. I had looked at a map earlier and saw different points marked with elevation (which was something like 2-6km), and as we drove I was telling them how high we were by interpolating between the markers I had memorized to where I thought we were in the park. Eventually I realized that I didn't really have any way to know how far we had traveled.

Dad and I were playing Legacy of the Wizard, but I noticed that the area right outside the house was all dark, and the dog could jump really high with the help of some item, and I asked Dad what was up with that, because those things never used to be in the game. He thought it had always been like that. Later I had duplicated one region down into the dungeon (apparently I had an editor, now), and saw that in each instance several of the blocks looked different, as if the block palette was based on the position of a region.