tags: multi-layer-dreams, lucid-dreams
subject: Sick dreams
date: 2011-03-15 0:33
lj-entry-id: 992,255

Sick dreams - 2011-03-15 0:33 - Entry 1199 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night or night before I dreamt that Mom and I had driven out into the boonies somewhere and were trying to camp. Sometime while trying to set up a tent at the edge of a steep hill I realized it was a dream and started building a cabin, since that would be more comfy. But I worried that I'd have to wake up soon, and then my alarm faded in, the high frequencies at first muffled but becoming louder and more annoying until I woke up. I seemed to be in my bed in the red bedroom, and I had set my alarm because I had to get up and go to the dentist or something. Later I woke up for reals, and I was sick again, but less uncomfy than I had been, and I couldn't fall back to sleep so I played New Super Mario Bros. Wii for a while until I was sleepy again. Yoru spent a good chunk of the night lying on my chest.