date: 2011-06-30 23:45
lj-entry-id: 1008,245
current-music: Mind.In.A.Box - You Will See

2011-06-30 23:45 - Entry 1215 - TOGoS's Journal

After coming home from my 30-hour work day today (there were a few breaks for various things in that 30 hours) I took the cat out, then napped on my bed for a little bit, then got up and napped on the couch for a little bit, then went and napped in the basement for a bit, where I managed to sleep enough to have a few really vivid dreams.

The first part I remember was that there were these exploding dance clubs. I was with someone and we hid behind a table nearby while this was happening to we wouldn't get hit by flying debris. I was rhythmically stomping my foot and this person I was with told me to stop and I did, but debris hitting the table was making the same beat, so it didn't make a difference. After the blowing up finished we walked back along a road that seemed to be hovering a few hundred feet over the ground. There was a tower that would take us back to ground level, and as we entered (my mom was with us at this point) I was looking into a box full of M&Ms, saying that I wated to send some to YC so she could feed them to her lego people. There were 3 different sizes of them, and the smallest would be just the right size to be lego people cookies. They were actually coin shaped rather than elipsoids.

 _____                _
|     |     ___      | |       ___
|_____|____|   \_____|_|______|   | ← Vat Room
  ↑ Exploding Disco           |___|__
                              |     |
                Tower →       |   |
                              |   |
                              |    |

We walked down to the bottom of the tower and stopped there because people were trying to get us to watch some video. I opened it in FireFox and got popped up a big page that tried to look like ripped yellowed notepad paper asking if I was trying to break up with Chrome (there was a split heart drawn in the middle like a little kid might do), since they knew I usually used chrome to watch these things.

We left the tower and I ended up talking to some lady teacher who had created a programming language that she used to teach her students. I was asking her about the syntax when I saw a line that looked like:

my @stuff, thing blah

(I don't remember what the words were, but it started with 'my'). The syntax had evolved over time as the students requested things and the at sign was kind of a vestige. She said that 'my' was a modifier for the terms that followed that affected how the program would refer to them later. Other options included "I hate", "The lady who writes the program with the buttons that" (which would often be followed by "push in and out a the same time"), and some other things that I thought made a lot of sense. I said that it was the best language ever and congratulated her on it.