subject: Transition Plan
date: 2011-10-20 10:34
lj-entry-id: 1022,92

Transition Plan - 2011-10-20 10:34 - Entry 1229 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt that Ben Dotte found me at work and said he was looking for a new Job because Widen still sucked. I decided that if he realized how and why their system was so bad then maybe he's a better programmer than when I left. I think we hired him and later we were on a beach. He was building an island a few feet out from the shore out of sand dug up from the bottom. There were other small islands further out in different directions that other people were hanging out on and eventually swimming/boating back from, citing boredom as a reason for returning.

Was hanging out on some stairs (seemingly under the red bedroom in my parents' house) overhearing a conversation between Spock and someone else. I don't remember the topic, but I remember that sitting on the stairs would have been boring without it.

Later I was up on top of the hill by the church on Flad. I was thinking about how I'd rather spend time hanging out with the actor who played Spock in the new Star Trek movie than with the girl I had a huge crush on in highschool. Thinking about Spock inspired me to fly down the hill eastward, towards Reetz. The leaves on all the trees were bright orange and yellow, and somehow this helped me float. I got a running start (and getting going fast was very difficult), jumped where the hill sloped downwards, spread my arms so that my baggy sweater caught a lot of air, and was able to not touch the ground until the bottom of the hill. I ran into a couple of people, maybe Michelle W and Heather, and was telling them about how I was able to fly down the hills. Halfway between Lewon and Wicklow, while trying to get another running start going, I started imagining (more like watching on my internal holographic TV) some kind of debate or conference before the Democratic presidential primaries in 2008. It came Obama's turn to talk, and instead of making some grandiose speech, he just complained about people thinking his campaign lacked focus (similar to the things mainstream media was saying about the OWS protesters) while lying in a white, footed bathrub.