date: 2011-10-28 (Friday) 13:00
subject: Submarine, nuclear sign post, long hose
tags: trail-dreams, road-dreams, minecraft-dreams, perlin-noise-dreams
lj-entry-id: 1024,120

Submarine, nuclear sign post, long hose - 2011-10-28 (Friday) 13:00 - Entry 1231 - TOGoS's Journal

Thursday morning I dreamt that I was on a submarine. In the middle of the night we stopped at the mouth of some bay and swam to shore where we had to dismantle part of some kind of reactor that had a street sign post on top. I twisted the sign post too far and several feet of pole disappeared into the device under it. One of the people I was with was telling the other that if he had played a certain Final Fantasy game then he'd know about the part where you'd find an important artifact (it appeared to be palm-sized blue glowing shard of rock) along a paved path in the middle of a park (he didn't say all of this, but I was imagining or had played the game). Somehow this was relevant to what we were doing. Afterwards we left the building and were swimming back to our submarine. But now there was one of these lumpy Chinese freighters (we had seen these before; their tops looked like loaves of bread) all up on our sub. We swam towards it anyway without a plan for how to deal with them.

This morning I dreamt about a field and a road, and down the road was a forest, and then a town, and presumably this road was infinite. I took it upon myself to extend a garden hose and a redstone wire (I assume it was made of redstone) along the road. I had more wire than hose, so I got as far as the town, dragging the wire behind me through the night, and slept there. But I was getting bored with the wire/hose stringing (I wasn't really sure why I was dragging the hose with, but at one point thought it might be able to conduct electricity and could therefore serve as the other half of the circuit) and decided to go do something else.

For something else, I ended up on an island that seemed to be made of volcanic rock and was shaped like the 3D simplex noise islands I made for omntland2. I was digging down into the lava-ey room, while a couple of other people on the island, a shirtless guy with nice looking abs and an asian lady, were off doing muggle things.