date: 2012-01-11

2012-01-11 - Entry 1241 - TOGoS's Journal

Not sure where this was taking place, but it was like I was at college
after school had let out for the year.  I was scooting around campus
on my bike, and there was this really cute girl who was also staying
there over break who I was trying to talk to.  I think she had some
friends around, so I had to talk to them, too.  Not sure how that
turned out.

I was visiting someone. maybe Fizz.  This was something we did every
spring.  I was with a group of people, including (I think) the girl
from the other dream.  Except she kept referring to me as her uncle (I
wasn't, but apparently that's the way she thought of me), so it didn't
seem like anything was going to happen there.  Spring came and went
and came again so fast it was scary.

During one trip we went to some kind of virtual reality rollerskating

Go take pic of cool clouds over river.

Sittin on roof

In desert, minecraft-like game
Cactus balls dropping to annoy the other players