date: 2012-02-01 16:30
subject: Protest Boat, Split Laptop, WilyMatzo

Protest Boat, Split Laptop, WilyMatzo - 2012-02-01 16:30 - Entry 1247 - TOGoS's Journal

2012-01-30 Dream

I was taking a plane or a train with Mom & Heather. We dropped a piece of luggage somewhere. It was stressful.

2012-01-31 Dream

There was a 'protest boat' going up a river. I'm pretty sure Karen Tuerk and Jenna Pope were on it. I decided I should jump on the next time they took off. That day came, and while I had signed up to get on, people kept asking me to go back and get stuff for them from a building attached to the dock, and one trip back the boat left without me. So then A-Day and I decided to ride bikes along the route, instead, and we'd meet up with the boaters when they landed.

So we were doing that, and at one point we had to bike along a pair of railroad tracks. We were passing a rail yard and there were trains coming from both directions. We weren't scared, but we did have to switch between the tracks pretty quickly. And in the process I dropped my laptop and it broke in half!

We soon met up with the boat people at a hotel, and there I figured out that the laptop was designed to come apart down the middle and could be snapped back together once I unbent a piece of metal.

2012-02-01 Dream

I was going around town doing different errands and kept running into WilyMatzo, so we ended up wandering around together. Then I was going to watch a movie with Mr. P and RLO and the APCS class in a room at ORE. I got there and did a cool roll over some carpet tiles (though it hurt my neck a bit), but then I got scolded for having forgotten that it was actually showing in a different place. Which apparently was in the same direction as my house, because I started running that way, up the hill on Flad.

There was another part of the dream which may have been before or after that. There was this construction site, and I was trying to get them to sell me some pipe or some rebar or something. I was working with this guy who smoked and had an old car, and he came to pick me up and I told him they wouldn't sell me anything because I didn't have a contractor license or something, and then we drove into a big canyon in Texas. It was really deep and we drove straight down one side. Further down the canyon there were lakes and grassy fields.