date: 2012-02-13 (Monday) 12:00
subject: Inter-century communication, humanity radiation

Inter-century communication, humanity radiation - 2012-02-13 (Monday) 12:00 - Entry 1252 - TOGoS's Journal

People were coming in to see what we were doing. As in real life, I was coming in at weird hours and not always having an easy time focusing on my work. I think McDickman worked in the same office with me. Friday came and I was considering not going in because I was already so late.

Several of the people passing through told me I was some kind of genius for having made some pixelated political cartoons (and they seemed to be more about sports than politics), but I didn't even make them. There was a lady in our group who did the real work.

There was a basketball game where, at the end, one of the guys who made one of the winning shots turned one of his friends upside down and shoved him into the floor with a big piece of foam. It was all in fun, and the squished friend seemed to be laughing about it, but it looked strange.

There was some chemical being used at the Union which everyone assumed was harmless, but I came back to my parents' house after having been there (the rest of the family may have been there, too) and we were all coughing and having lung problems. We were watching about it on the news and learned that some class of middle schoolers had been made to walk through the gas cloud every day even though the kids knew it was hurting them (because I guess the Union was also a middle school). We were mad about this.

A guy who had had several statues made of him was totally against what they had come to represent for the government currently in power, and to fight them he was cutting down the statues and throwing them into the pool that they lined. I was helping. There was a video feed from under the water showing pieces of stone falling in and settling to the bottom, which I thought was interesting because I'd never seen rocks sinking underwater before.

At the bottom of a pit at the bottom of one edge the pool (it was a very deep pool and the bottom wasn't flat at all) was a sunken ship. I saw a guy pry open the back door and swim out.

I was on a small team of people charged with answering questions via e-mail. We watched a video showing things that happened by the 27th century. There was a little bit of hopping back and forth between the earth and moon before some longer hops and then a massive 'radiation' of humanity out across the galaxy. While watching the video I got one message from some lady in the 27th century asking a question about her wolf-dog. I had half my brain researching the answer while I still watched the video (it mentioned that there was a war, and I was really upset about this, saying to a friend as we walked along a sidewalk at the top of a hill that humanity should get its own problems worked out before it starts taking over the galaxy), but before I got very far Miles (who was our manager and got CCd on all the incoming questions) wrote back to the lady to tell her that our team didn't specialize in dogs, but rather inter-century commication infrastructure. I had kind of wanted to find out about the dog.

I was at a store/restaurant where everything was made out of food. Need a fly swatter? There was a piece of bread that would do the trick. I had friends who worked there. Someone needed a tomato hollowed out and filled with spinach dip, so I did it with my fingers and gave it to them. It seemed kind of gross to me but they appreciated it and were glad that 'Dad' hadn't done the job, with his greasy fingers and all.