date: 2012-02-28 (Tuesday)
subject: Ski trip, tornado
tags: ski-dreams, 575-roommate-dreams, tornado-dreams

Ski trip, tornado - 2012-02-28 (Tuesday) - Entry 1256 - TOGoS's Journal

I was on a camping ski trip. We were at the top of a snowy hill and had already camped and were busy packing tents up. I was taking way longer than everyone else and by the time I was done everyone else had already taken off and was skiing on the other side of the hill. And I walked right past them because I had to catch a bus and head home early for some reason.

Soon after I got home I saw that there was a tornado coming through the neighborhood a bit to the northeast of my house, so I grabbed the cat and my laptop and hid in the basement for a while. I think Fizz and the Bens were there, too. Afterwards I walked over to the rents' to make see if they had gotten tornadoed, but they had not.

I wanted to get back to the ski trip and was trying to decide whether to drive or take the bus again. The upside of driving would be that I could give someone else a ride and we could split the cost, but then I realized that the place we were going to was waaay up at the north tippy-top of Wisconsin, and I didn't want to drive my Geo that far. We ended up driving, anyway.

Later on Tuesday I went to Tex Tubb's Taco Palace with Marlene. Then I came over and met her cat. Then I biked home in the rain because she had to kick me out so she could do some work.

Apparently I've been having lots of dreams about ski trips lately, which is funny because I haven't gone on any this winter, though I have mentioned to people that I would like to.