date: 2012-07-11 (Wednesday)
subject: OLB

OLB - 2012-07-11 (Wednesday) - Entry 1269 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night Stephanie and I drove out to Milwaukee to join the light brigaders! It was fun. Mostly because I was with her. But the weather was really nice, too. We kind of wanted to stick around and hang out with them during their post-bridge upload party, but Stephanie had to get to work all early this morning so we went straight home.

I had a dream that there was this concrete wall with a big wide sidewalk along the top, and people had offices embedded in the wall, and Mr. Pavao (my highschool CS teacher) had one on an inside corner (the wall had kinks), and Stephanie had an office waaay at the end, and I came and visited and she was working on fixing the clinic's web site, and then we were walking along this alley behind it and she invited me to go to the newly-opened 'chronographic observatarium' which was some museum with dinosaur bones, and I was like "Sure!" but then I remembered that I was supposed to take the kids to the concert on the square that night (which is tonight).