date: 2012-11-10 22:00
subject: Highways and railroads and stuff
tags: highway-dreams, undersea-tunnel-dreams

Highways and railroads and stuff - 2012-11-10 22:00 - Entry 1290 - TOGoS's Journal

Friday night/Saturday morning dreams:

I was with Ian and maybe Sean at some kind of little railroad station that we had constructed as part of the STP project, which we were releasing. To commemmorate the occasion we were carving text into the marble walls. It was dark outside, and the station was at the edge of a lake. Jamie was living in Japan. She came to visit at some point in the dream but wasn't there for the carving. She didn't speak any Japanese.

Then I was travelling in a van (or a train, or a zeppelin) across northern Germany with Joh and maybe Fizz. We had been staying up all night and working on some project, not paying any attention to the scenery (well, I guess it would've been dark) except to check up on our progress once in a while on a computer map. It ended with us sitting at my parents' kitchen table, still thinking about that project, maybe waiting for something to happen. 'Ooh Ahh' started playing from my smartphone speakers. I turned it off. Then it started playing out of some proper speakers in Heather's room. I actually wanted to listen to it because I like that song, but then Joh got up and turned it off and I said "Awwwwww."

On Sunday morning I had one of those dreams about highways all over the country, and me and different people were taking them. Oh, and Australia had railroads under the ocean to Africa and stuff. There was a place in the midwest (maybe Iowa) where I got stuck because some regions erroneously linked to themselves at the edges.