date: 2012-11-19 19:00
subject: More goofy dreams

More goofy dreams - 2012-11-19 19:00 - Entry 1293 - TOGoS's Journal

Sunday morning I dreamt that I ran into Chase and she started leading me around. I wasn't sure what her intent was. She kept having meetings with people. I hung around nervously, trying to figure out what she wanted me for.

On Sunday I raked the backyard and went to see Jersey Boys with LPA. Then we went to Chipotle.

Monday morning I dreamt that I was cleaning the bathroom. Not sure if it was mine or my parents'. There was a cube of butter that I set on its wrapper on the armrest of the toilet. As I was leaving the house (and then it was definitely my parents' house that I was leaving) it was snowing outside and there was a large snow heap next to the driveway and some kid that I didn't know was playing in it.