date: 2012-11-28 17:00
subject: Mountainous scenery highways with girlfriends

Mountainous scenery highways with girlfriends - 2012-11-28 17:00 - Entry 1296 - TOGoS's Journal

Dodgeball sucked less last night. We had two games and lost them both (actually I'm not sure about the second one; I think the refs lost count at one point when we were ahead), but they were a lot more fun than last week when we played the pink team and my arm hurt.

I'm working on a new database schema for First30.

I dreamt that Andrea and I were back together. I think we'd run into each other somewhere and both spontaneously decided we might as well try again. We were standing on a bridge over a ravine in the side of a mountain or tall steep hill looking over southwest Madison (aside from the mountain it was almost as if we were on Hammersley near where it meets McKenna, facing northeast). I think we were geocaching. I thought we might have to climb up the hill to the south towards the alt-McKenna highway.

Still with Andrea (though at this point she was less Andrea and more generic, passive girlfriend, and may have morphed into some combination of YC and Fizz), we were driving along what I decided was a very interesting stretch of highway. The scenery was similar to that along some of the highways in northern Taiwan. The highway went along a valley and there were hills and cities to both sides, and near-constant intersections with other highways that we would pass over and under. I noted that it was the most interesting highway I had ever been on. We had passed the place where we were planning to sop (a motel?) but I kept driving because I wanted to see more. Eventually we came to the beginning of a toll road, so I made a U-turn.

It turned out that The Simpons animators had all of Springfield (in the dream it consisted of an airport and a hospital and a parking lot by a river) as a computer model that they re-used for most scenes in the show. The episode in question involved Homer walking around and getting lost inside the hospital, and sure enough, I could see how they just moved the camera inside. Outside, in the parking lot, I was sitting with Stephanie and someone else from the 20something group. We were all slightly mentally impaired (probably drunk), and I ended up lying on her lap with my arms around her. She seemed to be mildly entertained by this. I wasn't sure what to make of the situation.