date: 2013-05-08
subject: Gold wing suits, time traveling kayaks
tags: minecraftesque-dreams, dorm-dreams, spacetime-warping-dreams

Gold wing suits, time traveling kayaks - 2013-05-08 - Entry 1313 - TOGoS's Journal

I was with a group of people and we were staying in these dorms that seemed to have been built in Minecraft (maybe I had built them myself, earlier). The building was two stories high and I had been hanging out in a downstairs room but then moved to an upstairs one. I think I was a little worried about creepers blowing holes in the ceiling, as it was only one block thick and had some gaps in the corners.

Anyway, some rich guy that we were doing some kind of business with had this gold plane that he was going to let us fly around, just for fun. It turned out it asn't a plane so much as a wing suit with engines. And he had a set of them, one for each of us. We flew them around above some hills behind the building. I found that the engines and the flapping of my wings had about equal influence on my direction, which made flying very satisfying. Though after a while I forgot that the engines were required in order to counteract gravity and tried to fly off a hill without them. I crashed and died. But then that became a different person from our group and we just felt bad and missed them.

I woke up to Becky's alarm, turned it off, and fell back asleep for another 40 minutes, and I dreamt that I was kayaking with Devin and Genia. We were kayaking through some narrow canal with vertical walls (maybe rising as high off the surface as the height of a person, but I never stood up to look over them) and occasional tunnels (very much like my underground canals in Minecraft). We were actually in one big inflatable raft, but the kayaks could slide out and float on their own. And Devin got out and was swimming back to something (backwards from the way we had been boating), but there was another version of himself there, from the past, I figured (there was obviously some strange spacetime warping going on, since the guy hadn't been there a minute ago when we first boated through), and I decided it would be best for them to not interact, so I tapped the past version of Devin and he ran off (down the canal in the waist-deep water).