date: 2013-06-26 13:00
tags: ta-dreams
subject: Legolas takes the place of useful units

Legolas takes the place of useful units - 2013-06-26 13:00 - Entry 1316 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt that (after some other stuff which seemed to involve me reigniting my Holly B obsession) I was at home waiting for the LAN party buddies (including Joh, Waltmon, and either or both of Armstrong and Drinkwater) to show up. Which they shortly did. We started a game of TA, though I got started a little earlier than I was supposed to, building rows of first-level vehicle and airplane plants. I ran into trouble when I tried to build second-level plants, though. I just couldn't find them in the menus. There were a lot of new units that I had never seen before, but they were goofy things like city parks and railroad tracks (which was kind of cool, I thought, but not useful to me at the moment) and Legolas. I built a whole bunch of walls that looked like serial cable connectors because they were something I could find that might be useful, and inadvertently made a lot of Legolasses while trying to build anti-air guns. Legolas had a rifle. If I could only get smoe Big Berthas built, I figured it would be a pretty good defense, as I was in a valley with mountains to the north and south. No luck finding them, though.

Skipped Kosama again this morning. Both today and yesterday it's been raining pretty hard when I woke up at 4, and I don't want to drive my car in that kind of wetness.