date: 2013-07-21

2013-07-21 - Entry 1324 - TOGoS's Journal

Primary dream I don't remember clearly.  Took place in some amusement
park near a restaurant I frequented. I think they served cheesy
noodles. I ended up getting photographed while I was on the climbing
wall.  Meanwhile the people I was waiting for were not showing up or
were distracted or something.

Different dream: I was running around trying to find Joh to take him
roller skating. I ended up doing a lot of running around. The sun was
up but it was midnight.  Several stars were visible, too.

I was trying to fix an old keyboard BT scraping part of it off with a
shovel and then repaving, as if it were a driveway.  But then it was a
pile of old keyboards again and I had lost track of which one I had
been working on. Then I was driving around with Becky on Mineral Point
while some guy told us the rules for this game we were supposedly
going to be playing that involved driving around at night.  I was
really enjoying the night air and was standing up in the car with my
arms outstretched vocalizing my enjoyment.