date: 2013-08-16
subject: Descent into Caldera

Descent into Caldera - 2013-08-16 - Entry 1327 - TOGoS's Journal

We drove so long and visited so many places in just a few days that events seem all jumbled in time. We spent 2 nights at Custer Park, but that hardly even seems like part of the same trip. Detours to visit Wall Drug and Sturgis and Devil's Tower seem like road multi-day trips of their own, even though they were only incidental stops on our way to other places. Our two nights at Custer Park seemingly collapse into a few hours.

I had some interesting dreams while in the Custer Park cabin. Need to copy them from my phone. One involved placing Descent boss robots around the rents' basement and them making strange noises in the night.

TODO: copy those notes into here.

I'm still a bit in shock from no longer being travelling across the USA at 70MPH with our motley road trip crew. It's sort of like becoming a different person. Not that I liked my road-tripping self better than my at-home-between-road-trips self, but it had a very simple purpose and relatively immediate needs. Drive somewhere without crashing. Don't let the engine get too hot. Take cool pictures.

I may be coming out of it, now. I'm eating strawberry yogurt and thinking about doing some laundry. Becky is coming back from Milwaukee and I expect will come to visit somtime in the next 40 minutes.

Want to write down about the experience, though, before I forget how the whole thing feels, since it's so different. When I doze off I still see sage and mountains going by the window. And when I look into the backyard I see a pine forest.