date: 2013-09-01

2013-09-01 - Entry 1329 - TOGoS's Journal


You could be in someone else's dream by agreeing to do it with them before bed and then giving each other pills.  The pills didn't actually do anything; they were just there for the psychological effect of trading and swallowing them.  I was doing this with some girl (maybe Jordan's friend from the movie the other night).  This wouldn't allow you to quite share the same dream, but you would each dream about the other, meanwhile knowing that they were dreaming about you.  So dreaming about someone dreaming about you having this dream.

While this was going on, Jared was staying up at night and there were fireflies in some conduit in his wall.  He showed me this later.  We were somewhat annoyed that they were flying in there, but he said it was kind of nice to get up to go to bed and have enough light from the fireflies that he didn't need to turn any other light on.