date: 2014-02-13 (Thursday)
tags: bike-trail-dreams, railroad-dreams

2014-02-13 (Thursday) - Entry 1342 - TOGoS's Journal

Dream from a few nights ago:
Visiting San Francisco
"Ooh, there's the big duck, right by the bridge, just like in Star Trek 4!"

Dream from 2 nights ago:
Errh, ran into Holly somewhere

Dream from last night:
Biking on some bike trail.
Alternate universe Military Ridge, I guess.
The place was different, but it felt like I'd been biking as if to get
as far as the far edge of Verona when I decided to keep going.
There was a railroad track that crossed the trail, and I crossed it as
a train was coming.  I didn't worry about getting squashed because
there was plenty of room between us.

Become engineer of train
have to stop at restaurants to pick up grease or something

On a date
run into her family who like to hang out in a river
go to the libertarian post office
  piles of books everywhere
  people trying to sell you stuff while you stand in line
  college kid ahead of me says "I don't need a map"
  stand in semicircle when talking to teller, can see behind the wall to other people getting served
Date looks kind of like Shanie