description: Taiwan adventures
tags: travel-dreams, taiwan-dreams, hostel-dreams
date: 2014-03-13

Taiwan adventures - 2014-03-13 - Entry 1344 - TOGoS's Journal

Visited some building in TW at the top of a hill
sort of like one of their temples
I had dropped a glove there or something
came back for it later
also found a bathroom
there were other buildings nearby, maybe slightly uphill
I walked to them
maybe I was looking for somebody

Still on a Taiwan trip, I was driving or biking around.
Even though I was in Taiwan, the scenery was like Wisconsin country roads.
Sometimes I'd meet up with TC.
Other nights I'd stay in different places, ike little bed and breakfasts.
I didn't see other people very often.
On different trips, years apart, I'd stay at some of the same places.
On one of my last nights on the current trip,
I found some coats and gloves stuffed into a closet that I had accidentally left on a previous trip.
Apparently I'm the only person who ever stays at this place.

At Great America.
Scenery to the east is still nice as I remember;
hills with trees.
To the west it's looking kind of cruddy, though;
strip malls and stuff.
Some new roller coaster without wheels.
Maybe it's a kiddie coaster.
I slide on it.

Went to a party at RS's apartment.
It was on some road downtown full of apartment houses.
I drove there and parked down the street a bit.
Stephanie was there, too.
She was depressed, so I gave her a hug.
RS apologized for not having made herself up all pretty.
I didn't want to say she looked better the way she was because girls
like to think that their efforts to look prettier are effective.
I got to meet her cat.
There was something interesting about the stairs.

It became another building.
It was the Taipei 101, but not nearly as tall.
The first ~10 floors had been there before the rest of the building.
Some guy who liked taking pictures of it was surprised when it got 10x taller.
The face of the building was interesting.
Sections of windows