date: 2014-03-23 00:18
current-song: Deadmau5 - Strobe

2014-03-23 00:18 - Entry 1346 - TOGoS's Journal

I don't know what this Burts Bees chapstick is reminding me of, but it smells awesome.

Biking downtown, the air smelled really good, too (this was before I applied the chapstick).
But it smelled like winter, or late fall, or something.
I'm not sure what particular good time that smell was reminding me of, either.

Before leaving I'd been listening to Deadmau5.
Some feeling told me that it was time to listen to Deadmau5.
It's not fall.  It's not Minecraft season.
So I'm not sure what that's about either.

The party I was at helped me chill out a bit.
Sukie texted me asking for a ride from the Ithsmus to somewhere.
I was nowhere near my car so I offered to walk with her.
She declined but thought that was really sweet.
I guess maybe I got some brownie points, there.
I had had 1 (one) bottle of Spotted Cow, and the texts flowed easily from my fingers.
Maybe that's the just right amount of alcohol to consume before talking to a girl.

And suddenly I have like 4 girls talking to me.
Spring on OkCupid.
But I've got work and moving to do!

Mike has a really nice apartment.  Shame we all had to get going.
I have to get home and wash the car.

Speaking of, earlier today (technically yesterday) Devin brought his bike out to wash, so I hooked up the old hose.
I only remembered to turn off the spigot when I left for Mike's party.
And I almost forgot to get my GitHub commit in for today!
But I realized on the way downtown and stopped at work (where I parked my bike)
and write up a FORMAT document for DebtTracker, which I created.
Yay 18 day streak continued.

Now I gotta go.