date: 2014-08-19

2014-08-19 - Entry 1357 - TOGoS's Journal

Saturday was very strange.

While Shaina was at work, in-between naps I wandered around the house
all disoriented and feeling not myself at all.  I could partially blame
lack of sleep, but the feeling of being out of touch with my own life was
stronger than I recall ever having felt before.

I think Sunday was more constructive.  I think that was when Joh came
and helped hook up the air exchanger.  I had also spent the afternoon
eating food and listening to music on the office floor (because that's
where you have to lie to hear the bass) and attempting to deal with
(redirect?) feelings about Shaina's previous sexytimes.

During one of those Saturday naps I had a really cool pair of dreams.

In one dream I was flying a plane.
I didn't entirely know what I was doing but I was doing turns and
stuff and not crashing.  I had a few friends along--maybe Sarah and
Joh and Shaina--and they didn't seem too worried.

In the more interesting dream the world as we knew it was composed of
a hexagonal grid of rooms.  Inside the rooms looked like outside, like
they had holodeck walls.  I was wandering through with Shaina and we
had some goal in mind.  I don't know that we were lost, but due to the
mazelike nature of the world it wasn't entirely obvious where we were
going, either.  We crossed some bridge across some ocean and ended up
in some well-lit indoor room with benches and other people wandering
through, Towards the end I realized that I had left my camera in some
previous room.  So I got up and went to look for it.

More recently I had some other dream that feels like it was cool but I
don't remember anything about it.

Shaina's essentially moved into my house at this point.
Her cat's here and she's using my address to ship packages to.

We've been watching Orange Is The New Black a lot before going to bed.