date: 2014-08-31
subject: Absent-minded walk

Absent-minded walk - 2014-08-31 - Entry 1361 - TOGoS's Journal

This morning after Shaina got up to 'go study' (actually she watched
OITNB for acouple hours) I fell back asleep and dreamt that we were at
work.  Or rather she was at work and I was going for a walk around the
bay.  About halfway around I realized that I hadn't actually alotted
myself enough time for a walk in order to get back by the time she got
out of work.  I had planned it as if I were running the whole way. So
I started running.  There were these big squished tubular
things--maybe something that the trees had dropped, or maybe
bugs--every few meters along the sidewalk.  I remembered that Shaina
had seen these and mentioned them to me earlier.  I was starting to
feel very confused, not remembering where I had started running or
where I was headed, and was regretting having eaten those cookies
earlier.  I finally approached my building, but wasn't sure.  I
realized that GHC wasn't where it would be and that I wasn't back at
work, after all.  This place was entirely unfamiliar and I had no idea
where I was and I didn't have my phone with me.  I thought it might be
a good idea to find someone nearby and ask them for directions back to
downtown and to borrow their phone to call Shaina (also realizing that
I didn't actually know her phone number) to tell her I'd be late.