date: 2014-11-09
subject: Face eggs

Face eggs - 2014-11-09 - Entry 1370 - TOGoS's Journal

I had some dream that wasn't that interesting.

Shaina had one about cats and apartments.

Towards the end, she was working on a farm sorting eggs.
There was some sort of prophecy about eggs with faces,
so when one showed up the farmer freaked out.

A chicken hatched from the egg and this chicken had a face in its tail feathers.
And then there were more eggs, and the farmer tried to kill them all but
Shaina saved one and had some mostly blanked-out advenure.

Eventually that egg hatched a boy version of Beanie.
It ended up exploring the tub, and then Beanie went in, too,
and they started smelling each others' butts.