date: 2015-04-16
subject: Work, Live, Mask

Work, Live, Mask - 2015-04-16 - Entry 1382 - TOGoS's Journal

I had the most confusing dream while lying on the office couch this morning.

I was at work, but things were different.  There was a jag in the
hallway down past Carole's desk.  I was walking by there while John
was having the printer read back stuff it had printed for me, which
happened to include a cover letter I'd written to some other company.
He got all mad at me and said something about "you think it's open
season around here?"  "I just want be paid fairly!" I yelled at him as
he walked away.  Then I went back to my office.

For a while I sat in my office trying to close a bunch of spammy
firefox windows.  I didn't know how they got open.  I was really out
of it.  And I found myself sitting on the floor next to my computer
instead of on the chair right next to me.

And Shaina worked at EIT, too, and my office had a shower and a
toilet, because I also lived in it.

Throughout all of this I kept trying to figure if it was a dream,
since everything seemed so foreign.  I think I kept deciding that
maybe it is, but until I wake up from it I may as well assume it's
real in case it's not.  I was so tired and out of it, man.

Towards the end things were transforming to this was some native
American structure, and there was this pair of masks that we were
comparing.  One was obviously a face with a big wide mouth and big
eyes that you could look through.  The other didn't look much like a
mask at all.  It was more like a cantelope rind.  But we were talking
about trying to preserve both of the mask and structure-making