date: 2015-06-18
subject: Railroad game, fake London
tags: world-building-game-dreams

Railroad game, fake London - 2015-06-18 - Entry 1388 - TOGoS's Journal

Was up until 4Am this morning implementing ccouch3 verify-tree because
Dad was having some trouble with his backups.  When I finally got to
bed I kept waking up realizing I had left some food out that needed to
go in the fridge.  At one point I woke up and found myself in the back
of the car and vaguely remembered being out there to get something and
feeling so tired that I just layed down in the trunk.  Then I dozed
off and woke up again hitting my head on the plastic car walls, at
which point I decided I had dozed enough and should just head in.
When I woke myself up enough to do this I found myself already in bed.

Later I was playing some video game about building roads.  I got to a
pretty expansive level and got excited because I realized it was a
chance to use railroads effectively.  And after horsing around for a
while I realized that there was a shortcut I could take that went
under some overhanging cliffs, so you couldn't see it on the overhead
map.  Soon I was following along this hypothetical railroad
first-personly.  It had a lot of sharp corners, sort of like some of
cbragg's minecart tracks.

An alarm was going off in my bed, so I went over and silenced it.
Must've been left on from the previous day or something.

This weird shaped lake throught the middle of the map became London's
lake, where London was actually a pretty small town with a few
apartment buildings overlooking the lake and forests on the other
side.  You could go paddleboating in that lake.  Shaina was staying
there and I was visiting.  It was a much nicer place than real London.

I woke up and it was past 10.  I had slept through my alarms.

Party tomorrow evening!  Moriah's coming.