date: 2015-08-20
subject: Girl dreams

Girl dreams - 2015-08-20 - Entry 1401 - TOGoS's Journal

Two nights ago:

I was at a gas station or the hardware store. It may have been the hardware store, but the checkout line was very gas station-esque. Anyway, there was a lady checking out who was having a really bad day. She had 2 kids with her and she realized she didn't have any money, so I gave her a 20, expecting her to return any change she got back, which at first it didn't seem like she was going to, but then she did, so it was all good. I gave her a hug and told her things were going to be okay. Then she turned into Shaina, and Shaina sat down on my lap and I kissed her, and then I looked at her to try to read what she was thinking. I wished that I could just kiss her and hold her and tell her that things are going to be okay without the can of worms that that opens up. Which is how I feel when I'm not dreaming, too.

Last night:

I was at Trader Joe's with Moriah. After some shopping she confided in me that she didn't like the way I was 'flirting with other girls' (which I wasn't actually doing at all). I took that to mean she wanted some attention, so then we started making out. But then we had to finish shopping, and when we were done she started telling me about how she had some crush on some dude, and I was all like, "okay, so do you want to make out with me or not?"