subject: This seemed like really good stuff at the time
date: 2015-10-14

This seemed like really good stuff at the time - 2015-10-14 - Entry 1408 - TOGoS's Journal

From: Dan Stevens <>
To: Calin Wang <>

It occurred to me that I haven't talked to you for a long time.  But I
think of you a lot, and I think I make this mistake internally of assuming
that all my thoughts get sent to you somehow, so of course you'd know all
what's going on if anything especially awesome happened, and let me know
likewise.  But mostly life is boring, so we forget to talk.

Ma was concerned about you several weeks ago because we heard that some bad
weather was coming through.  I saw a picture in the newspaper of some Taipe
people taking selfies with high water and figured if they were taking
selfies, it must not be too bad.

So the news over here is:

I got a pretty big raise and more responsibility at EIT this spring after
threatening to quit.

Broke up with girlfriend back in like July or something (Ben came by the
other day and was surprised by that, so I am reminded that not everyone who
matters is kept up to date on such important matters).  I miss her
sometimes.  But I don't think she really got me.

But I still have red string arround my ankle!  I talk to love god sometimes.

Got a new couch and loveseat to replace the ones I threw out to make room
for Shaina's, which she took with her when she moved out.  They're red and
match the carpet and Alvin likes them.  Yoru's kind of indifferent, it

Made friends with Becky Peterson again, though at the moment she's mad at

Went to Georgia for a music festival.  It was really muddy and the music
wasn't very good.  Spent some time with Dawne and the kids while I was

I heard that Big John and outing club executive board had some
disagreement, and I haven't seen him around.  Which is really sad.  Big
John, like, was the outing club as far as I was concerned.  It's being
taken over by a bunch of undergrads.  Maybe they'll make up later.  Who

I'd say we should go for a hike around Devil's Lake sometime and catch up,
but that's not really feasible given our continental situation.  And we
can't agree on video-chatting protocols.  XD   Well, maybe were using the
Google one.  We should do that sometime.

Needless to say I did not get married this summer.  But Hannah will be next
spring, and Fizz and Jamie had a kid named "Logan", and Ben and Skye have
one on the way, too.

- ToHoK (the other half of kitkat)

Monday, October 12, 2015 10:56 PM
Dan Stevens: Did you know NIN made a new album?
             Hesitation Marks, it's called
             He also got married and did a bunch of stuff with uhm, his wife
Tim Walton:  aw yeah, i think i heard about that
Dan Stevens: something about angels
Tim Walton:  oh, hmm
Dan Stevens: I call shark jumped
             I call shark jumped 2 albums ago
Tim Walton:  yeah
             i think i noticed like 3 days ago that the fragile was like that
             i mean, it was still really good, but
Dan Stevens: Year Zero was the last good one, and it was starting to turn into drum machine garbage at that point
Tim Walton:  something about it just wasn't right anymore
Dan Stevens: Yeah, I actually came in here to say
Tim Walton:  oh there was something after that?
Dan Stevens: that I expect you to point at a much earlier point for shark jumpage
Tim Walton:  lawlaw
Dan Stevens: high five
             how much poop cleaned so far?
Tim Walton:  lol
             a lot
             he poops like 8 times a day
             and sometimes it gets all over everything
Dan Stevens: oh gross
             man you should install some poop conduit
Tim Walton:  but, about NIN, he was still really in his horrible place through downward spiral
             but then he was sort of speculating about it in the fragile
             and since then
             when it came out and joh heard it for the first time, he was surprised that trent reznor was still singing about depressed stuff
             like, "he's still depressed?"
             have you been bending pipes?
             also i heard ben visited you the other day
Dan Stevens: yeah that was rad
             I mean I see Ben not too unoften
             these random party things that we throw do serve a function, it seems
             I mean mine are random
             other people's are birthdays or having babbies or something
Tim Walton:  heh
             i don't like having birthday parties anymore, it sort of feels weird
             but i sort of have them anyway
Dan Stevens: yeah, stuff happens, and that's nice
             I haven't had a birthday party since the one when I was 8 and I threw a fit
Tim Walton:  11
Dan Stevens: Well I guess I had those 2 after that that were cool
             Those definitely count as parties
Tim Walton:  which one was the one when your dad made you give me $10?
Dan Stevens: I think that was the later one.
             Man, 10$ well spent.
Tim Walton:  aw
Dan Stevens: The other day I tipped the couch delivery guys 40$.
Tim Walton:  i think i gave it back, right?
Dan Stevens: psssh maybe
Tim Walton:  wow!
Dan Stevens: I should probably give it back again
Tim Walton:  11
Dan Stevens: My bank account's got that faucet on the side, after all
Tim Walton:  huh?
Dan Stevens: ah, maybe you are not in on that joke
             Becky sometimes takes too much advantage of it.
Tim Walton:  whu
Dan Stevens: I lend money freely
Tim Walton:  oh no
Dan Stevens: But I mean I do owe you 10 dollars
Tim Walton:  well, i don't really remember if i gave it back
Dan Stevens: I think you did
             and also I think I stole a snickers bar from you one time
Tim Walton:  11
Dan Stevens: so that's like 11$
Tim Walton:  that's ok
Dan Stevens: I could square it to you
             what's your square number
Tim Walton:  man, i don't know what that is either
Dan Stevens: 11
             it might be the wrong term
Tim Walton:  wire?
Dan Stevens: well Square is a particular thing
             Becky used it to pay me back when I started dating Shaina
             So it's probably gone bankrupt and there's a new cool way to pay your friends now
Tim Walton:  hmm
Dan Stevens: my git repository of IOUs will outlast all of them
Tim Walton:  yeah
             i use git for my thesis and it's awesome
Dan Stevens: sweet!
Tim Walton:  sometimes i use the windows gui
Dan Stevens: aww weak
Tim Walton:  11
             well that's just when i'm on my windows machine at work
Dan Stevens: oh that's okay then
Tim Walton:  i like windows because i like Paint
Dan Stevens: yeah, Paint's alright
Tim Walton:  i really like powerpoint too, unfortunately
Dan Stevens: aw hoo wha
             wha bra
Tim Walton:  the libre office one just isn't that great
             powerpoint is pretty easy to draw nice pics with
Dan Stevens: oh yeah, this is why I make powerpoints that are actually just a winamp visualization that I put on while I talk to people about something boring
             people say that about powerpoint
             like, they use it to make diagrams of stuff
Tim Walton:  they do?
Dan Stevens: aye
Tim Walton:  yeah, you just have to make sure it doesn't look like you made it in powerpoint
             then it can look pretty good
Dan Stevens: ~_~
             what was adam-the-roommate's last name?
             I keep thinking Adam Anderson, but that was my roommate
Tim Walton:  um
             man, i can't remember
Dan Stevens: nice
Tim Walton:  heh
             i dsort of almost remember
Dan Stevens: I don't remember Bob's last name, either
             aw yeah
Tim Walton:  i tink it started with a P
Dan Stevens: Bob had a nice couch.  That's all I knew about Bob.
             P sounds right.
Tim Walton:  yeah
Dan Stevens: Oh yeah, was it like
             Patterson or Peterson
             or something?
Tim Walton:  you watched Everybody Loves Raymond on that couch
Dan Stevens: Yeah
             Man I had no life back then
Tim Walton:  i think it was something weirder than that
Dan Stevens: I wasn't studying or anything; I just had no life.
Tim Walton:  and shorter
             sitting on couches in the dorms was one of the best parts of college
Dan Stevens: yeah that was alright
             I had some cool dreams sleeping on those
Tim Walton:  one of my fave memories was being really sick, lying on my couch listening to Further Down the Spiral
Dan Stevens: hahaha
             so even feeling sick, in time, becomes a fond memory
Tim Walton:  yeah!
Dan Stevens: man that track was sick
Tim Walton:  it's weird
             i like my memories of recovering from surgery too
Dan Stevens: I lost track of your surgeries
Tim Walton:  when i read grapes of wrath and played shadow of the colossus
Dan Stevens: It's like every year you get surgeried again, so I don't keep track anymore
Tim Walton:  yeah, i never should have gotten any of them
Dan Stevens: Maybe that's been over for a while.  That's how bad I don't keep track.
Tim Walton:  oh yeah
             the last one was right before i came here
             but i need another one, to fix the ones the last guy did
             so i need to get human rights back
             (health insurance)
             joh got surgery from the same guy who f$%#ed up my nose
Dan Stevens: oh nose
Tim Walton:  but i think he did okay on joh's
Dan Stevens: oh good
             yeah I don't keep track of Joh's ailments, either
             Maybe he solved them all
Tim Walton:  yeah i'm not sure
             i'm a try to go to sleep i think
Dan Stevens: oh rad good idea
             see ya
Tim Walton:  should i send yo a pic i made in pp?
Dan Stevens: yeah of coruse
             off corusu
Tim Walton:  it might go to your spam
Dan Stevens: thx
Tim Walton:  sry
Dan Stevens: I think I don't spend enough time with Alvin
Tim Walton:  aw how come
Dan Stevens: I always say hi to him when I go past the window and stuff
             but if I'm sitting at my desk it's Yoru who monopolizes me
             You know it's weird
             how we have these things
             like I might not sit at my desk for a year
             But then I come back and sit at my desk, and it's the same old desk
             Even if it's a different desk
Tim Walton:  hmm
Dan Stevens: I asked Alvin to come in and get some lap time and he did, but now he's run off again
Tim Walton:  dang
Dan Stevens: I guess long periods of lap time aren't his thing
             he needs a buddy
             for a second I thought it was going to be a pic of Logan's pee all over evyerhting
Tim Walton:  11
             the desk i have at work is weird, because it has a big 6-mon display in the way, and a pile of lab notebooks
Dan Stevens: well yeah that's pretty good
Tim Walton:  thx
Dan Stevens: so you have to build your apparatus to get around the monitors?
Tim Walton:  whu?
Dan Stevens: that'd be funny if physics research was actually just people trying to make their machines fit on their desk
             around their computers
             and piles of notebooks
Tim Walton:  11
Dan Stevens: that's like the kind of design choice I make, and then I get a girlfriend and she tells me to just throw out the notebooks
Tim Walton:  :(
Dan Stevens: "You don't need a hole in the wall to accomodate the notebooks.  Just move the notebooks."
             I get this every time.
Tim Walton:  dang
Dan Stevens: But, you know, s/notebooks/piles of dishes that have been waiting to be washed since 2010/
             I don't really have dish piles that last that long
Tim Walton:  oh good
             cuz the ants
             the ants, cuz
             cuz, the ants
Dan Stevens: Sometimes it seems like things stick around that long, but if I actually look at the records (the giant photo-log) it turns out that, like, the pile of cat puke was only there for one summer, at most.
Tim Walton:  111
Dan Stevens: oh gosh yes the ants are still around
             me and the ants
Tim Walton:  dang
Dan Stevens: I say, keep sending your ants in here, anthill, and I'll keep feeding them borax!
Tim Walton:  aight i gtg take Logan
Dan Stevens: okay good idea ttyl byue
Tim Walton:  see ya
Dan Stevens: see ya
Tim Walton:  bye
Dan Stevens: bye

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 2:05 PM
Tim Walton:  Things Falling Apart gets pretty fresh sometimes
Dan Stevens: yeah
             i kind of like this:
Tim Walton:  coo i'll check it
             yeah it's pretty good
Tim Walton:  i think i like this sometimes:
             (i haven't actually watched the video)
Dan Stevens: kind of aphex twinny
Tim Walton:  yih
Dan Stevens: i like this too
Tim Walton:  yeah that one's cool
Dan Stevens: these are all so weird
Tim Walton:  yeah
             i like weird stuff these days
             did i make you listen to Sd Laika?
Dan Stevens: I Don't think so
             I like the goat with lots of eyes
Tim Walton:  i'm always afraid to watch the videos
             lemme listen to the 4 sd laika songs i like to choose which one you might like
             i think he(?) is from Milwaukee, which is cool i guess
Dan Stevens: I like the cover art for Cherry Moon
             At least that seems to be what it is
Tim Walton:  with the mushrooms?
Dan Stevens: yeahhhh
Tim Walton:  yeah
             i guess this one, but it's pretty weird:
Dan Stevens: ok coo
Dan Stevens: that one might be too weird for me
             lorn is more my right amount of weird for today
Tim Walton:  yeah, that's ok
Tim Walton:  i'm finishing the Halsey album to get back out of weirdness and back into NIN
Dan Stevens: heh
             yeah I should listen to the fragile again
             I'll be here a while
             I wanted to eat some fruit but I don't have any at work so I squirted some ketchup in my mouth
             before I can listen to the fragile I need to write a program to generate a playlist so I can listen to it on my mac because I'm too lazy to unplug my headphones and plug them into my other computer
             oh wait no I don't; just some catting
Tim Walton:  11
Dan Stevens: do you ever use cat?
             I love cat
             I like to do things like cat <(come command) <(some other command)
             though I suppose that's not necessary
             yeah that's dumb, you can just (some command ; some command) | whatever
Tim Walton:  is that the linux concatenate command?
Dan Stevens: yeah
Tim Walton:  i've used it in code for file names i think, i liked it for that
             man cat
Dan Stevens: man, cat
             I do like doing <(...) though
Tim Walton:  waz that
Dan Stevens: takes the output of ... and makes it into a file and gets replaced by the filename
             so then commands that expect a filename can be given a pipe instead
             to read from
Tim Walton:  ph swee
             i mean oh swee
Dan Stevens: I still really like Just Like You Imagined
Tim Walton:  yeah that one's pretty good
             yeah, Things Falling Apart takes all the parts i really don't like in The Fragile and makes them better
             insome cases
Dan Stevens: heh, nice

Monday, October 12, 2015 10:08 PM
Dan Stevens:       Breough
Andrew Schaumberg: bro
                   how goes?
Dan Stevens:       having a 'me' night
                   apparently that means suddenly realizing that I'm terrible at keeping in touch with people
                   I keep in touch alright with you, but only incidentally
                   Like, I keep forgetting what city you're in
                   that won't do
                   But I said that last time
                   I think the point is that your physical location is irrelevant
                   big city somewhere out east by NY
                   I got a new couch
                   And have been into electrical conduit lately
Andrew Schaumberg: yeah
                   a borrough
Dan Stevens:       holy shit
Andrew Schaumberg: boouuuuuroooogh
Dan Stevens:       yeah, like, I should know this
Andrew Schaumberg: i did some 3d printing
Dan Stevens:       I should know what the view from your apartment is like
Andrew Schaumberg: i still suck
                   oh ok
                   i'll have to take pics from the roof or something
                   that's better
Dan Stevens:       I still suck at girls, but I try to talk to them a lot, and maybe that helps me get better
Andrew Schaumberg: i haven't kept in touch really, it's my bad
                   but we're all touchy now
Dan Stevens:       Yeah my dad was asking about the 3D printing project
Andrew Schaumberg: yaaaaaaaaaaay
                   oh yeah
Dan Stevens:       yay, touch base
Andrew Schaumberg: well in openscad i made a bunch of points
Dan Stevens:       base touched, ick
Andrew Schaumberg: and it renders fine
                   i mean it /previews/ fine
                   i can see the volume as i expect
                   but it /doesn't/ render correctly
                   assuming you don't want error messages, i'll just say i'm planning to try again
                   either in openscad, extruding 2d shapes, instead of using polyhedra
                   or in sketchup, which is some easy windows gui app, because mostly i just need to kick designs out rather than have an especially well-specified design
Dan Stevens:       I like this song lately
                   okay now I read about your volumes
                   yeah I'd have no idea what to do with your error messages  ☺
Andrew Schaumberg: no worries
                   how's conduit?
                   and couch?
Dan Stevens:       oh man, it's so satisfying to get some all up in there
                   all full of wires
Andrew Schaumberg: not to be confused with ccoubh
Dan Stevens:       and screwed into the ceiling
Andrew Schaumberg: it is
Dan Stevens:       and then the switches and the lights oh oh
Andrew Schaumberg: i like conduit
Dan Stevens:       getting excited over here
Andrew Schaumberg: coo
Dan Stevens:       I've been listening to Way Out West a lot since my trip
                   I think that was inspired by that Etherwood guy who used the same kind of beat in his songs
                   DnB, I guess it's called
                   Only reason I know Way Out West is from some song Ben put on the playlist at 575 one night.
Andrew Schaumberg: 575
                   good times
                   Ben still around Madison?
Dan Stevens:       I've turned into one of those old guys that wants to go back in time and live at his college house.
                   Ben stopped by yesterday.
                   Apparently he and Fizz don't touch base too much, either.
                   Which is weird.
Andrew Schaumberg: we're all that guy
                   oh yeah
                   well, marriage
                   diff locations
Dan Stevens:       Maybe?
Andrew Schaumberg: maybe
Dan Stevens:       Ben says he really wants not to let having a kid get in the way of hanging out with people
Andrew Schaumberg: ohhhh
                   yeah, he's baby'd
Dan Stevens:       going to in like a few weeks
Andrew Schaumberg: man
Dan Stevens:       you know fizz had a kid, right?
Andrew Schaumberg: holy /crap/
Dan Stevens:       I forget what week.
Andrew Schaumberg: recently?
Dan Stevens:       God, like, within the past couple weeks, I think.
                   I suck at time tonight.
Andrew Schaumberg: that's cool
Dan Stevens:       Hence me getting all sentimental and wanting to talk to everyone.
Andrew Schaumberg: i'll send him an email
Dan Stevens:       Yeah!
                   He'd like that.
Andrew Schaumberg: haha, yeah
Dan Stevens:       That was quick.
                   I tried to send YC an e-mail earlier and it took liek 2 hours.
Andrew Schaumberg: manhattan
Dan Stevens:       oh right
                   you're near the event horizon over there
Andrew Schaumberg: :)
                   where time becomes a loop
Dan Stevens:       time becomes a loop
                   you always liked that song
Andrew Schaumberg: sauerbraten
                   could totally use lofted beds here
Dan Stevens:       I still tell people about that place.
Andrew Schaumberg: in a way, grad school is going back in time
Dan Stevens:       heh, nice
Andrew Schaumberg: boyce-codd sweet place
Dan Stevens:       BCSPFTW
Andrew Schaumberg: word
Dan Stevens:       Sent an e-mail to the ex.  I wonder if she'll like it.
Andrew Schaumberg: oh dayum
                   just got back from the lab
                   i don't sleep much these days
                   you ok?
Dan Stevens:       oh yeah I'm good
                   I wanted to see if I could have a night to myself and not do work or talk to anybody
                   About 10 minutes in I over-compensated and talked to everyone, and now I feel really swell.
                   I guess that was the point.
Andrew Schaumberg: life's a weird thing
                   it's so boring
                   but certain boring things are important
                   but there are ways to make it not boring
                   just like there are ways to make thing unimportant
                   so we're existentially sitting in life
Dan Stevens:       I'm going to talk to you now from my blanket fortress.
                   Using some tech from star trek or something.
Andrew Schaumberg: 11
                   how's the fort?
                   i wish i had room for one
Dan Stevens:       Used to have a cat in here, but she left.  I hardly notice her comings and goings unless she brushes my face because that tickles and wakes me up.
                   Eh, it's actually just me in bed with my phone-holding arm acting as the post.
                   And now my arm's tired.  So long, fortress.
Andrew Schaumberg: well i suppose that's better than using some other appendage
                   oh, see ya fort
                   you don't have spare conduit?
                   conduit can make forst
Dan Stevens:       Ha, there's an idea.
                   I also have a lot of spare 2x2s.
Andrew Schaumberg: do it
Dan Stevens:       Ng
                   Tuesday, October 13, 2015 10:07 AM
Andrew Schaumberg: we should have a girl talk or something one of these nights
                   been a while
                   if you want
Dan Stevens:       Oh sure.
Andrew Schaumberg: oh man these cookies next to me are so evil
                   we had a speaker come in the other day
                   was a nice lunch too
Dan Stevens:       we just had pizza lunch staff meeting
Andrew Schaumberg: coo
                   apparently they run fast in manhattan on zero calories
                   salad and some sort of wrap for each of us
Dan Stevens:       probably better for you than the pizza
                   fortunately it got ate pretty quick so I didn't end up having 5 pieces
                   Tuesday, October 13, 2015 9:32 PM
Andrew Schaumberg: girls mang
                   so many here
                   and they like to shop around
                   Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:05 AM
Dan Stevens:       hmm
Andrew Schaumberg: hm?
Dan Stevens:       re: girls mang
Andrew Schaumberg: ya
                   these days are effing nuts
Dan Stevens:       oh how so?
                   Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:47 PM
Andrew Schaumberg: meetings currently
Dan Stevens:       meetings full of girls shopping around?
Andrew Schaumberg: haha
                   we did interview a postdoc just now
                   she's a girl
                   and she's shopping around for a job
Dan Stevens:       there you go
Andrew Schaumberg: badda bing!

A hypothetical conversation:

Me: And over here you see I've cut a hole in the wall and lined it
    with cedar trimming. The hole is necessary to accomodate this pile
    of cat puke.
    There's a long history behind that pile. Yoru first puked it up in
    2012, and it was really gross for a while, but then it kind of
    dried out and now it's not too bad."
    For a while I used it to hold old receipts, but nowadays I pretty
    much just recycle those right away. Who looks at receipts,

    YC used to look at them, and this one time she caught an error,
    but then we had to spend half an hour finding someone at the store
    and talking to them to give us our 3 dollars back.

New girlfriend: Why don't you just clean up the cat puke?

Me: *mind asplodes*

That was Monday night.

On tuesday I went to a Perl Mongers meetup with Don.
It was kind of boring.

Then I went and watched the Democratic presidential candidate debate
at Jordan and Shelly's house.
Afterwards I hung around for a bit playing Mario Maker.

I'm going to go over and play Mario Maker next Thursday.